340 Collins Street
Melbourne, Australia

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1300 858 199

Tue - Sat 10.00 - 19.00
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What Is Cosmetic Teeth Whitening?

Our tooth is made of two layers outside the soft inner tooth pulp. These layers are called dentin (on the […]
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Happy Girl with Teeth Whitening Treatment

Choosing the Right Way to Whiten and Brighten Your Smile

Heavily stained teeth can take a toll on our confidence, bringing misgivings about the attractiveness of our self-image. It is […]
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baking soda on teeth whitening

Does Baking Soda Whiten Teeth?

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a salty element that is easily available in most homes. Often baking soda is […]
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teeth whitening risks during pregnancy

Is it Safe to Have Your Teeth Whitened While Pregnant?

Pregnancy makes a woman feel good about herself. Hence, they may take interest in getting several beauty treatments, including professional […]
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Teeth Straightening

Do Teeth Aligners Work?

Tiffany doesn’t have a set of perfect teeth like Claire, and she is weighing her options on what she can […]
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crooked yellow teeth

How to Get Your Teeth From Yellow to White

How to get your teeth from yellow to white? Yellow or stained teeth make us lose our confidence in public. […]
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old woman smile with white teeth

How to Whiten Yellow Teeth for Older People

How to whiten yellow teeth? It is a commonly asked question. When we see billboards, ads, online campaigns, and television […]
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vertical links after teeth whitening

Vertical Lines After Teeth Whitening

Having lines on teeth right after a teeth whitening procedure isn’t something unusual. Usually, after undergoing teeth whitening, most people […]
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Find out the best way to whiten teeth

What is the Best Way to Whiten Teeth?

There are many ways to whiten your teeth, just as there are many reasons why our teeth become discoloured over […]
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Professional Teeth Whitening | Premier Smile

What Do Dentists Recommend for Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is believed to be the safest and most effective way to brighten our smile and improve self-confidence. If […]
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