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Melbourne, Australia

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1300 858 199

Tue - Sat 10.00 - 19.00
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Enamel Booster


Tooth Enamel Booster

Why only settle for whiter teeth when you can make them stronger and healthier at the same time? Protect your teeth from further damage by using an Enamel Booster which is proven to help strengthen tooth enamel. It is a remineralizing gel that can significantly help increase the micro-hardness of your enamel and makes your teeth more resistant to any stains and abrasions.

The use of Enamel Booster is highly recommended for everyone – but if you are currently undergoing any teeth whitening procedure, this is a must!

How important is an Enamel Booster?

  • Protects tooth enamel
  •  Replenishes minerals needed by your teeth (such as fluoride)
  •  Seals in whitening results
  • Prevents and alleviates tooth sensitivity
  • Very easy to use: simply brush it on!

It’s about time that you give your teeth the treatment they rightfully deserve. Try applying an Enamel Booster on your teeth now!

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