340 Collins Street
Melbourne, Australia

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1300 858 199

Tue - Sat 10.00 - 19.00
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Teeth Whitening Foam


Teeth Cleaning and Whitening Foam

No matter what you do, sometimes brushing alone won’t give you the whiter teeth that you have been wanting to achieve – even with lot of whitening toothpaste. If you really want to get rid of this frustration, here’s a better idea: use our teeth whitening and cleaning foam.

This teeth whitening and cleaning foam has a revolutionary micro-foaming formula that is sure to whiten and clean your teeth better than simply brushing them. It is expert in dissolving particles and thoroughly penetrates the enamel. This contains of the same components that dentists use in whitening your teeth.

Teeth Whitening Foam Best Features

  • Cleans and removes stains from teeth
  •  Makes your breath fresher
  •  Helps your gums become healthier
  •  Perfect for people who have braces
  •  Clinically approved and highly recommended by dentists
  •  Safe for everyday use
  •  Contains 3% of Hydrogen Peroxide

To get immediate but lasting results, apply Teeth Whitening and Cleaning Foam 2 times a day (morning and night) for 10 consecutive days. Maintain good results by continuously doing the procedures once or twice a day.

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